
BECTU Art Technician Branch website is designed to provide guidance and support for art handlers, art technicians, fabricators and studio assistants.
Data Controller:
Prospect is the data controller for the purposes of your personal data.
Prospect (BECTU Sector)
New Prospect House
London. SE1 7NN
Telephone: 0300 600 1878
Data Protection Compliance Officer: Tracey Hunt
Email: datacompliance@prospect.org.uk
Prospect’s privacy notice can be accessed here: https://prospect.org.uk/privacy/
What Information do we collect?
ISP address
Trade Union membership number
How we use this information:
Members Login
We use the information you provide to set up secure access to the members only pages of the website.
If you sign up with Google or Facebook, your data will be shared with them.
Pay Rate Database
The branch is collecting freelance pay rates in the UK, from members and non-members, which will be added to a database located on the website. This information is provided anonymously. Access to this information is for BECTU members only.
The website providers use cookies and similar technology in order to provide access to the website and to ensure it performs properly, analyse performance, marketing activities and to personalise your experience. Please see their Cookie Policy by accessing this link: https://www.wix.com/about/cookie-policy
What is our Lawful Basis for processing?
We have a Legitimate Interest to process your personal data to provide support and guidance to branch members, to promote the work of the branch in organising members, and to improve the working conditions of all Art Technicians.
As personal data is a special category because it relates to your trade union membership. Our additional lawful basis is legitimate trade union activity.
Who will we share your data with?
The data you provide when using the website and logging in will be shared with the web hosting company and stored on the cloud.
We will not share your data with any other third party.
wix.com Ltd. Please see their privacy policy: https://www.wix.com/about/privacy
International Data Transfers
wix.com Ltd. is based in Israel and data may be stored in Israel, Ireland or the USA.
Data transferred to Israel or Ireland will be done based on the UK’s adequacy decision. If data is transferred to the USA, this will be done under Standard Contract Clauses.
How long will we keep your data?
We will keep your data as long as your log in is active. If you no longer wish to have an active log in, please contact Bectu Art Technicians through the Contact form on the website or via bectuarttechnician@gmail.com We will then delete your log-in data.
What are Your Rights
Right of access
Right of erasure
Right to object
Right of rectification
Right of restriction
For independent advice about data protection or if you wish to make a complaint you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane, Wilmslow https://ico.org.uk/concerns/
Cheshire, SK9 5AF Telephone: 0303 123 1113